Awake and Sing by Clifford Odet- Plot Summary

Awake and Sing!

Plot Summary

The drama is set in the New York City borough of The Bronx in 1933. It follows the destitute Berger family, who all live under one roof.

Their struggles as the parents plot to manipulate their children’s relationships for their own objectives, while their offspring pursue their own goals.

The audience is introduced to a one-of-a-kind family. Bessie, the family’s matriarch, had high expectations and goals for her family.

But, despite her optimism, her greatest concern is that her family will lose their home and all of their assets. This worry arises from a woman down the street who experienced the same thing.

Bessie’s father, Jacob, her husband Myron, and their son Ralph, 21, and spinster daughter Hennie, 26, make up the household.

To top it all off, the Bergers have taken in an immigrant border named Sam to help lighten the family’s financial burden.

Aside from the quest for financial security, the Bergers are dealing with other issues, such as Hennie’s unwelcome pregnancy.

Bessie urges on the marriage of Hennie and the new immigrant border to save her family’s reputation and her daughter’s life in order to escape this load on the family.

Hennie has no feelings toward Sam. The family has strong feelings about Hennie and Sam’s scheduled marriage. For example, Ralph, the play’s more philosophical character, disagrees with his mother’s decision.

Ralph is quite similar to his grandfather, who is an idealist. As a result, the Berger household is divided into idealists and realists, much like society as a whole.

In an unexpected turn of events, Jacob kills suicide after naming Ralph as the beneficiary of his life insurance policy in the hopes that this will provide Ralph with the independence he craves.

Themes of Awake and Sing! 

Clifford Odets wrote the play “Awake and Sing!” in 1935. Many topics are explored in the play, all of which are tied to the challenges and aspirations of working-class Jewish immigrants living in the Bronx during the Great Depression. The following are some of the play’s primary themes:

The American Dream: The play depicts the characters’ hopes and dreams for a better life, as well as their pursuit of the American Dream. Yet, the protagonists’ ambitions are frequently thwarted by economic difficulties, societal restraints, and family obligations.

The drama focuses on the connections and problems inside a single family, notably the friction between the elder and younger generations. The protagonists strive to reconcile their own wants with their familial commitments and responsibilities.

The drama emphasizes the harsh reality of social and economic injustice, particularly for underrepresented communities such as working-class immigrants. The protagonists endure institutional restrictions and discrimination, which limit their prospects and make achieving their aspirations difficult.

Identity and Assimilation: The drama delves into the difficulties of cultural assimilation and preserving a sense of self in a new nation. The protagonists struggle to reconcile their Jewish ancestry and customs with their desire to fit in and prosper in America.

The drama also tackles the complexity of love and marriage, particularly in the setting of economic hardship and societal expectations. The protagonists must balance their romantic relationships with their financial security and family commitments.

What societal issues do awake and sing address?

“Awake and Sing!” is a drama that explores a variety of societal issues that were prevalent in the 1930s when it was created. Among the societal issues addressed in the play are:

Poverty: During the Great Depression, the drama depicts the tribulations of a working-class Jewish family in the Bronx. It emphasizes the difficulties of making ends meet, finding work, and providing for one’s family.

Discrimination: The play also addresses the discrimination that Jewish immigrants encounter in the United States. The protagonists are subjected to anti-Semitism and are viewed as outsiders in American culture.

Gender Roles: The play depicts gender roles of the time, when women were expected to be homemakers and caregivers and men were expected to be primary breadwinners. The play’s female protagonists struggle to strike a balance between their familial responsibilities and their personal goals and ambitions.

Generational Conflict: The play also examines the conflict between the family’s older and younger generations. The younger generation, particularly Ralph, aspires to deviate from their parents’ traditional ideals and expectations and pursue their own path.

Political Ideologies: The drama depicts contemporary political ideas, particularly the battle between capitalism and socialism. Numerous characters in the play, most notably Uncle Morty, voice their discontent with the capitalist society and push for a socialist revolution.

Overall, “Awake and Sing!” addresses a variety of societal issues that were prevalent in the 1930s, such as poverty, prejudice, gender roles, generational conflict, and political beliefs.

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