Why the Sky is Far From the Earth- A Fictional Aetiological Tale

Why the Sky is Far from the Earth

Once upon a time, the sky was just a few meters from the Earth. This was a result of God Almighty’s love for us human beings.

During creation, it is said that God loves us that He created us in His image. He also bestowed on man all his blessings; riches, beauty, wisdom, pleasure, honor and strength.

It’s out of this love and to make things convenient for us that He created the sky very close to the Earth. Humans could easily touch the sky for the blessings of the Almighty.

It’s also said that during this period, the sky was immaculately white. There was no part of the sky that was blue as we have nowadays. 

The people then used to pray to God facing the immaculate sky and God used to answer their prayers. Everything was provided as requested.

The sun, the rain, the moonlight and every other work of nature were provided for the benefit of the creatures. People lived in harmony without any rancor.

But, there was a man who never prayed to God. He believed in a deity, whom he compared with God. He tried all possible means to discourage the people from worshiping God. 

He was able to win some people to his side. Those ones were following him in worshiping his god. Everything was going on smoothly until one fateful day.

 The man and his followers started the campaign that the sky was made for them to clean their hands when dirty. He told them that that’s what he and his followers have been doing.

They then showed the people how they rubbed their hands on the sky to clean it. The people also saw it as more convenient than looking for water to clean their hands.

As from that moment, whenever the people needed to clean their hands, they wouldn’t bother to look for water again. They would just rub their hands on the sky, especially after eating.

God is merciful, He was watching and thought the people would repent, but they continued. One fateful day, God rained His curses on the idolaters that misled the people and destroyed them all.

He didn’t stop there. To punish the people that listened to the Idolater, he moved the sky very far from the reach of the people. It is said that the blue colors we are seeing in the sky now were the dirt rubbed on the sky by the people of that period.

Lessons Taught

Love of God: This story reveals to us how much God loves us and that he bestowed on us all the conveniences of life. That’s why the sky was so close to the people, but it was abused.

Worship of God: The story teaches us to always worship the God Almighty and listen to Him. We should not equate Him with any dirty. That was the reason the idolaters were destroyed and the people punished.

Cleanliness is the Nearness to Godliness: The story teaches us not to be dirty. It is an act of dirtiness to rub dirty hands on the sky. We should also make ourselves clean in front of God for Him to answer our prayers.

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