Tortoise and Cock – A Didactic Fictional Story

Tortoise and Cock

Once upon a time, there lived a Tortoise and his intimate friend, Cock. Cock put all his trust in Tortoise, but Tortoise, being a cunning character, pretended to be Cock’s trustworthy friend.

Cock used to feed on insects and any grain that fell off from the people. It also fed on dumping ground, hence it was so easy for Cock to feed itself.

Tortoise on its own, being a very lazy character found it difficult to feed. He always stole from other people’s farms to feed. This made Tortoise envy Cock because he fed easily; his foods are everywhere. 

The Tortoise had to steal and sweat before eating and the people used to curse him everyday and he wasn’t happy with it. This made him plan to kill Cock his friend.

One day, he told Cock that he was too lazy for his liking. “You only have power over small insects. You can face your fellow cock to fight,” said Tortoise.

Cock responded thus, “Tortoise, you really underrate me o, you can arrange a fight between me and my fellow cock. It’s then you would know my worth.” 

Tortoise agreed to arranging a bout between the Cock and his own Cock. He also told the Cock that his own Cock would win the contest. He said they should inform the king and the people about the contest, so that there would be justification.

The duo went to the palace and informed the king about the contest. They said the king should invite his subjects to watch the contest. The day of the contest was fixed for the following week.

Before the D-day, Tortoise had gone to look for a big standing mirror. He cleaned it with ashes and it was so clean. 

He then announced to the people that he had a cock that would contest with his friend, Cock on that day. He invited them to come and watch the fight.

On the D-day, Tortoise has gone early to the venue of the fight. He implanted his standing mirror on the wall. When it was time, the people had gathered including the king.

Tortoise then made some rules which included that none of the cocks should run away until the winner was determined. He added that his own Cock was battle ready.

Tortoise then pointed toward the big mirror on the wall that his cock was already waiting there. The Cock his friend, then moved towards the mirror and saw the Cock. 

As the Cock reached the front of the mirror, he saw a Cock that also spread his wing like himself. He didn’t know that it was his reflection in the mirror he was seeing.

The Cock moved backward and moved forward again to attack the perceived cock. He continued hitting his beak on the mirror. The other cock was also doing the same.

 This annoyed the Cock; he continued fighting on, hitting his beak on the mirror. He thought that he was attacking Tortoise’s Cock. He was surprised that the other cock didn’t run away as it was agreed that no Cock should run away.

The people were wondering who the Cock was fighting. They were shouting and saying that the Cock was foolish. The Cock thought that the people were hailing him, he continued to fight by hitting on the mirror.

Tortoise then disparaged the Cock that he was too lazy as he had told him earlier. That he only had power over small insects. 

The Cock continued hitting his beak on the mirror, without knowing that he was only fighting his reflection in the mirror. He later became tired and died.

This is how Tortoise killed Cock his friend, because of envy. This surprised the king and the people that witnessed the event.

Lessons Taught:

The story teaches us not to envy anybody. Tortoise planned the killing of the Cock out of envy. He envied the Cock because it fed easily. While he would have to steal from the people’s farm before he could eat.

It also teaches us not to be lazy. Tortoise in the story was very lazy, hence could not feed himself. That’s why he envied the Cock.

The story also educates us not to put all our trust on the people. The Cock trusted the Tortoise his friend, while the Tortoise was only pretending to trust the Cock.

We are also taught to apply wisdom in whatever we are doing. The Cock in the story didn’t apply wisdom during the fight. That’s why he was fighting himself and he didn’t know.

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