Path of Lucas by Susanne Bellefeuille- Chapter Twenty- two

Chapter Twenty-two

All the children are now in school except Thomas, who has one more year to be enrolled in school. Isabelle still works in the shoe company and is still disturbed by her childhood issues. She refuses to talk to anyone about it, even Lucas.

Lucas with logging which he doesn’t like. He imagines what his life would have been if he had received his mechanic certificate and Steve and Darcy are alive.

Lucas is loving and responsible to his family. Despite the weight put on by Isabelle, he still expresses his love for her by staring at her which Isabelle also loves. Lucas’s father, John is living on his oxygen tank while Elizabeth is aging.

As Summer approaches, Richard’s class is traveling to Upper Canada for an end-of-school-year trip. Isabelle is reluctant to send his swimsuit because of the cold, but Richard is excited to go to the beach to swim.

It is a cold June morning and Richard persuades her mother to let him take the suit along as the weather might change.

Isabelle eventually releases the suit with a note to his teacher that he should not swim if it is cold. 

The teacher was carried away with the activities of the day, so couldn’t read the note. Isabelle is annoyed when she discovers that Richard swam. She fears that he might catch a terrible cold.

After a few days, Richard has a high fever and he is taken to the hospital emergency department. The doctor diagnosed that he has a virus and recommended he be given Tylenol and plenty of fluids.

Lucas and Isabelle take Richard home and his mother cares for him greatly. The next morning, his condition worsens, he is so weak and dehydrated that he can’t stand up. Isabelle knows that the situation is more serious than the doctor described it.

They rush Richard to the General Hospital in Cornwall. Lucas drives with  his mind on Richard, while Isabelle sheds tears at the sight of her dying son at the back of the car.

When they get to the hospital, Lucas carries Richard in his hands into the hospital. He shouts for help when he reaches the emergency doors.

A nurse runs out to meet them and they put Richard on a gurney and she carries him to the emergency room. The nurse directs them to go to the nurses station for further information.

Isabelle cries as the nurse carries Richard away.  Lucas holds her as he endures his own pain. They go to the nurse station to fill in some information about Richard.

The head nurse tells them to sit in the waiting room and will give them necessary information about Richard. 

It feels like eternity as they wait for a response from the head nurse. The emergency door suddenly opens and the head nurse and a doctor are walking towards them.

Isabelle, whose eyes are red, feels that something terrible has happened to her son as the nurse and the doctor walk toward them.

The doctor introduces himself as Dr. George MacDonald when he reaches them. He informs Lucas and Isabelle that Richard is very ill and is diagnosed with meningitis. Isabelle is scared of the information and starts to cry in Lucas’s arms.

Lucas asks the doctor about the condition of Richard. The doctor explains that he is in a critical condition with a high fever. He says they are trying to control the temperature around his brain.

Lucas asks the doctor if it could have any damaging effects if not treated. The latter replies that they can’t say anything about the outcome of Richard’s ailments now as he has a fifty-fifty chance of survival. 

He allays their fears that they have good doctors who are working on Richard. Isabelle asks when she can see Richard. The nurse replies that she will need to sign some  forms before she is taken to the intensive care unit where Richard is.

Dr. MacDonald also promises to feed them back after observing Richard’s brain scan. He advises them to rest to preserve their strength for the next few hours and days.

Lucas appreciates the doctor and they follow the nurse to the administration office to sign the form before they see Richard. 

She tells them to meet her at the nurses station when they are done to take them to Richard. Lucas and Isabelle join the nurse after signing the form and she takes them to the second floor, ICU room 224.

She explains to them that Richard is in a private room until his fever is stabilized. She explains further that they should expect to see lots of wires and tubes around Richard. 

This is so because the ICU nurses can monitor him every second. There is always a nurse by his side.

Isabelle hurries to Richard’s side when they enter room 224. She kisses him and prays for him. Lucas also joins Isabelle and kisses his son.

He sits besides Isabelle and a moment later, Dr. MacDonald enters and informs them that Richard is very sick. He says they are doing their best to save him.

The doctor tells them that the next twenty-four hours will be crucial. This is because of his high fever and the inflammation around his brain. He says the most important thing is to bring the fever down.

Isabelle expresses their willingness to stay with Richard. The doctor then promises to notify the nurses that they want to stay overnight with Richard, so that they will give them blankets.

Isabelle thanks the doctor for his kindness. Her thoughts are focused on the well-being of Richard and not any other thing.

Lucas and Isabelle are in the hospital throughout the night but Richard’s condition doesn’t change. The nurses and the doctors are trying their best to salvage the situation. Lucas and Isabelle cannot do anything other than praying.

There is improvement on Richard’s health one week later. The fever is gone and the swelling around his brain reduces.

Isabelle is extremely happy the day Richard tells her that he is hungry. He regains his health gradually for several months.

Lucas and Isabelle visit him every day in the hospital and the other children are taken there on weekends. They are happy when he is discharged from the hospital and he joins his siblings at home.

Richard recounts the wonderful performance of the doctors and the nurses, especially Dr. MacDonald. Lucas and Isabelle are happy again seeing their children together. Lucas’s parents are also happy for them.

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