Path of Lucas by Susanne Bellefeuille- Chapter Twenty-three

Lucas and Isabelle are happy and satisfied with what they have. The children are full of life and Lucas likes playing football with the boys. Isabelle will be watching them playing with Lucy and playing with her dolls.

Lucas goes to town one day to buy new parts for his chainsaw and meets Ron, a friend of his. Ron informs Lucas that a cable company is hiring people in the area and applications will be given out in the town hall.

Lucas is interested in the job and he tells Ron that he will discuss it with his wife and get back to him. Ron gives Lucas his phone number and the latter appreciates him and they shake hands.

Lucas goes to purchase his chainsaw with the thought of his conversation with Ron on his mind. He sees it as an opportunity to increase his income and give his family a quality life.

When Lucas reaches the house, he meets Isabelle in the kitchen preparing supper. After supper and the children are settled in their room, Lucas and Isabelle sit in the living room.

Lucas tells Isabelle about his conversation with Ron, his friend. He explains further that if employed, he will be working for a cable company.

Lucas seeks the opinions of Isabelle on it. Isabelle then asks him if the work involves traveling or if he will be coming home every day. 

Lucas replies that Ron said the job is nearby so, he will be home every night and at times come home late in the night. He tries to convince Isabelle that logging is hard work and it takes most of his time.

Isabelle responds that she is a bit nervous about the move but she respects Lucas’s decisions. Lucas explains further that he sees it as a second chance since he lost the opportunity to become a mechanic.

He tells Isabelle that he loves her and the children and wishes to give them a better future. 

She responds that he is a wonderful husband who cares for the family and that is why she loves him. Lucas also says he loves her and wants her to live a wonderful life.

On Monday, Lucas meets Ron and they are happy for the chance to work in a cable company. 

He wishes Ron the best of luck and appreciates him for the information about the job as they walk towards the town hall.

Lucas and Ron are interviewed the same day and employed. They go to the Alexandria Hotel together to celebrate it. 

The two of them are on the same crew and will be working the same hours. They are happy about this and the fact that they will be working for the cable company. Lucas and Ron leave to go and tell their wives the good news after Ron pays the money. 

Lucas tells his parents the good news when he gets home and they are happy for him. Isabelle is yet to get back home.

When the children come back from school he hugs them and tells them about the employment. He tells them that they are going to celebrate it with Isabelle when she comes.

When Isabelle comes back from work, he tells her that he has been employed and will resume on Monday. He explains further that Ron and himself are on the same crew.

Isabelle is extremely happy and she congratulates Lucas. She says they can tell the children and Lucas’s parents and then prepare Lucas’s favorite supper to celebrate the good news.

Lucas tells her that they already know and they are waiting for them in the living room to go out for supper to celebrate.

He explains that he doesn’t want her to cook but to go to Mama Jean’s with the whole family for supper. Everybody is set for supper and everyone goes out and the children run to the vehicle.

After a few months on the job, Lucas is promoted and now drives a company truck. The truck has a CB radio in it and the children are amazed and happy when they discover this. He can now pay the bills conveniently and be able to save money.

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