Path of Lucas by Susanne Bellefeuille- Chapter Twenty

Lucas and Isabelle are set to move back to the farm. Uncle James and his friend Jeff come in different trucks to pack their belongings.

They wave goodbye to them as they drive off with their loads. Isabelle arranges the children in the car while Lucas does the final check around the house. He feels like not leaving again but he can’t stop it again.

Isabelle notices the sadness in Lucas’s face and advises that he can change his mind if he feels it’s too hard for him. He responds that he has promised his father and cannot change his mind again. 

He adds that he has the premonitions that things will change for the worse for him if he goes back to the farm. He tells Isabelle that they are going back and that everything will be all right.

They walk hand in hand towards the car. He kisses Isabelle on the forehead and she smiles back at him. Thomas and Lucy are sleeping already. 

He opens the door for Isabelle and asks her if she is ready for the journey. Isabelle smiles and says she is ready to go.

Lucas gets into the car and reminisces on the fun times he and his family had and the dream job he is leaving behind. He closes his eyes and comes to reality when he opens it. It occurs to him again that his life will change. 

He tells the children as he drives off that they should go and live with Grandma and Grandpa. He does this to make the journey interesting for the children. He hears Johnny and Steve laughing and repeating what he said.

After they drive for two and a half hours, all the children have slept. Thomas is about to wake up when they are about to reach Kingston. They agree to stop at Kingston to attend to Thomas so that he will not disturb others.

Lucas stops at the nearest restaurant in Kingston and they attend to Thomas. As Lucas feeds Thomas, Isabelle checks on the other children who are still sleeping.

Lucas expresses his mind to Isabelle that she is a blessing in his life. Isabelle feels the love in her body. She takes Thomas from Lucas to change him. Lucas then wakes the children to eat.

They all move to the restaurant for their lunch. The other people in the restaurant envy the young family coming together.

Richard requests that they sit at a place where they can see outside through the window. Lucas and Isabelle support Richard’s choice of where to sit.

After they settle down, Lucas places an order for the food. Isabelle likes her family and is always happy with the way Lucas interacts with the children. Lucas is also proud of his family.

After lunch, they all settle in the car to continue their journey to the farm. After two hours, they arrived in the village.

The children are happy and Lucas tells them that they will be living with Grandpa and Grandma.

Johnny tries to confirm with her mother if they are staying there forever. Isabelle replies that they are living there and asks the children to promise that they will be good boys for Grandpa and Grandma. The children promise to be good boys as they all laugh.

John and Elizabeth are expecting them. When John hears the sound of a vehicle, he looks out of the window and tells Elizabeth that Lucas and his family have arrived.

They run outside to welcome them. After they exchange pleasantries with them, they reach out to the children to greet them.

The children are happy to see their grandparents. Richard and Johnny tell them that they will be living with them. Elizabeth says she has re-arranged Lucas’s room for the boys.

The duo of John and Elizabeth are happy to see their son and his family back home. Elizabeth says they should go inside and that she has prepared homemade chocolate chip cookies with milk for them.

The boys run into the house waiting for their grandma to serve them milk and cookies. Lucas puts the baby on the bed in their room. Isabelle also lay Lucy on the other bed.

They settle down with the children to enjoy Elizabeth’s homemade cookies, while John pours the coffee and sits near Elizabeth.

Lucas looks out of the window and says that James and his friend have put their loads in the garage. He tells his father there is no need to rush bringing anything into the house that day.

John says that James is interested in a house in Cornwall. Elizabeth adds that the house is close to Donna and Scott’s school according to James.

Isabelle responds that she is happy for Debra as she has been dreaming for such a long time. Elizabeth says they are not so happy as they move to Cornwall, but it’s the best for them.

Elizabeth pours more coffee for Lucas and Richard requests to see their daddy’s room decorated for them. Isabelle tells them to wash their hands first and should not wake up Lucy and Thomas.

Isabelle and her mother-in-law clear the table and Lucas and his father go out to get the luggage. John seizes the opportunity to appreciate Lucas for coming back to them.

Lucas responds that they are family and he is there to help him out of the difficulties. They walk back to the house and Lucas is happy with the scenario in the house. 

He sees his children playing happily and his beautiful wife feeding their baby. He is optimistic about a new chapter in his life.

Lucas helps his father a lot on the farm and works logging trees. He at times thinks of the life he would have been living in Uxbridge if he was there.

Lucas is always happy to see Jim and the latter talks about the progress he is making in his business. He tells Lucas that he is welcome anytime he wishes to come back to him.

Isabelle also goes back to the Brown Shoe Company to work, just to help settle some bills. The proceeds from farming are not enough to take care of the needs of the family. Lucas and Isabelle understand themselves and can cope with the situation.

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