Path of Lucas by Susanne Bellefeuille- Chapter Sixteen

For two weeks now, what occupies Lucas’s thought is the opportunity offered him by Jim. He wishes to accept the offer but doesn’t know if Isabelle would like to relocate to Uxbridge with the children. 

He also doesn’t know how to convince his father that farming is not the best for him. Hence, he is confused.

Before bedtime one evening, Lucas opens his mind to Isabelle and tells her about Jim’s offer. He says he’s confused about the whole thing.

In her response, Isabelle only complains about their accommodation and Lucas clarifies that Jim has everything planned. He explains further that Jim said there is a country house for them not far from the garage to rent.

Isabelle is also worried about the enrollment of Richard in school, their furniture, her job, and Lucas’s father. Lucas responds that he has put it all into consideration and knows it won’t be easy. 

But his lifelong dream is to become a mechanic which Jim is giving him the chance. He says he doesn’t want any support from his father, but wants to do what he loves to do. He persuades Isabelle to support him in achieving his dream.

Isabelle responds that she will support him but tells him to inform his father, though it would break his heart. 

Lucas says he will confirm from Jim the following day if everything is still as discussed. He will then tell his father that they are moving to Uxbridge.

Lucas puts a call through to Jim the next morning and the latter responds that everything is still as planned. He says they can move into the country home in two weeks.

Lucas tells Isabelle about Jim’s response and says she will notify her boss that morning. Lucas also tells Claude about it but feels sad that he is losing a good worker. He is at the same time proud of him that he will become a great mechanic.

Lucas is now worried about how his father will take it when he informs his parents. He goes to the farmhouse that early morning when his parents are having their breakfast. 

His father wonders why he doesn’t go to the mechanic shop. He says he wants to talk to them and his parents are alerted that maybe something happened to his family.

Lucas allays their fears and says everything is fine. He then tells them about Jim’s offer of a job in Uxbridge.

Lucas’s parents are shocked to hear this and Lucas adds that he had discussed it with Isabelle the previous night and agreed. He feels they are saddened by their moving away.

In response to his father’s question, he replies that Jim said there is a country house for them to rent. 

Jim also told him that, while working for him, he could equally take a program at night. This will afford him to get his class A Mechanic’s certificate and he will help pay his tuition fees.

His father asks him when they are leaving. He replies that they need to pack now because they are to move into the house on the first of August.

Lucas sees the shock in his father and expresses how he feels and tenders his apology. He thereby reveals to his father that farming is not for him but working on cars. 

He says he didn’t tell him because he doesn’t want to hurt him. He is now relieved that the burden of telling his father the truth is lifted.

He apologizes to his father for not being the farmer he wants him to be. Elizabeth tells him that his father will always love him. John also corroborates that he would not love him less because he abandons farming.

Lucas is relieved that his parents are much better than he thought. He knows they feel sad but will not stop him and will not make him feel guilty for leaving.

Elizabeth then asks him how he plans to move their belongings and family. He replies that he plans to use James and his father’s truck and his station wagon while moving to Uxbridge.

His father responds that it’s a good idea and says he will discuss it with James. He tries to confirm from Lucas if that is how he wants it and the latter says that is what he wants.

Lucas appreciates his parents and expresses his love for them. He makes them understand how important it is for him to carve a new way with his family. He hugs his mother as he did to his father earlier.

Everything is set for the journey to Uxbridge. The two trucks and Lucas’s station wagon are fully loaded. Isabelle and Lucas hug Mary and Debra. Mary cries as her brother leaves. 

She wishes Isabelle well and tells her to send the children’s pictures. They enter their vehicle and leave for Uxbridge with James, Paul, Elizabeth and John.

After five hours, they arrive at Jim and Diane’s house in Uxbridge. They stop there shortly to collect keys and directions to the country house. Jim tells Lucas to take a week off to settle in and discuss the job and the class A Mechanic certification.

The work with Jim starts the following week and the program commences in three weeks. The program is three evenings a week for three years. Lucas is eager and nervous to start the program.

Isabelle loves the surroundings of the house as they move in. Lucas also likes it and the two of them are happy that they move into such a beautiful house.

Elizabeth comments that it is a beautiful place to raise their children. She takes the children upstairs for a tour.

John, James and Paul walk in as Lucas and Isabelle stand kissing. John likes the garage and calls the attention of Lucas to it. They pack in the furniture with great delight.

The following morning after breakfast, they all leave Uxbridge. It’s hard for them to leave, but they must get back to the farm. They hug one another and Isabelle and Lucas wave at them from the front porch.

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