Path of Lucas by Susanne Bellefeuille- Chapter Fourteen

It’s Isabelle’s wedding day, November 12, 1958. She looks beautiful in the gorgeous wedding dress that Julia helped her buy in the city.

France is there helping by putting on a veil on the bride. She now lives in Dalkeith, a small country home.

She is no longer living in Quebec since the death of their grandmother. She got married to a farmer and she is pregnant with their first child.

France also gives Isabelle a beautiful pearl bracelet and earrings which are from their grandmother.

Julia also gives her a gorgeous pearl necklace she borrowed from her mother. She puts it on her neck. Julia says she needs something blue to match.

Isabelle’s mother hands a gift to her and when she opens the box, she finds a lacy blue garter to put round the leg. It is made by Elizabeth.

Isabelle is over joyous, she appreciates and hugs her mother, France and Julia her best friend.

France urges them to leave as their father is waiting downstairs. Isabelle’s father is happy seeing his beautiful girl walking down the stairs.

Julia takes them in his car to the French church in Alexandria where Lucas is already waiting for them. The church is full of family and friends including Steve who is the best man.

Lucas is alerted by a noise which announces the arrival of the bride. Lucas’s nephew, Paul and Sylvie, Isabelle’s youngest sister are the ring bearer and flower girl respectively. Julia is the maid of honor.

Lucas then sees the love of his life, Isabelle walking with her father smiling. When they reach the front, Isabelle’s father shakes Lucas’s hand and Lucas then kisses Isabelle’s hand. 

They exchange their vows which is the most important assignment of the program. Lucas kisses Isabelle and everybody in the church is happy while the couple are walking out of the church.

The guests then move to Lucas’s parents’ house for merriment. Steve presents an interesting toast and speech about the couple at the supper.

The couple go to Toronto for their honeymoon. Isabelle is amazed to see such a huge city as she has not traveled to a big city like that before.

The couple are happy to be together. Lucas touches Isabelle’s belly and he is happy that he will soon become a father. It is only Julia who knows that Julia is pregnant.

When they are back from the honeymoon, they settle down with Lucas’s parents and the couple are pleased with it. Lucas still works for his father and Isabelle also works with Mr and Mrs Smith.

Isabelle still feels shy but Elizabeth has a way of making her feel at home. No family member knows that Isabelle is pregnant since the pregnancy is not showing yet.

The couple often discuss the right time to inform the family about the pregnancy as Christmas is drawing near.

On Christmas day, everyone will go to Grandma’s house for a special supper. The children are always happy to go there for delicious food and presents under the tree.

Lucas tells his mother that he will be going out with Isabelle to visit her parents and siblings. He says they will be back before four.

Lucas takes Isabelle to visit her family when he finishes his work on the farm. However, he is not always comfortable with Isabelle’s parents but he respects Isabelle’s choices.

He only enjoys being among her siblings. This is because of what they did to Isabelle in the past.

At the Bourgeois’ house, the couple has lunch prepared by Isabelle’s mother and gives presents to the siblings. 

France and Jean her husband are also there, they also give presents to the children. Lucas and Isabelle bring dessert while France and her husband bring ice cream made by France on the farm.

France and her husband plan to buy a farm near the husband’s grandfather’s farm. They want to move into the farmhouse before the baby is born.

France’s pregnancy is now showing and Isabelle is happy for this but doesn’t tell France about her own. 

Mr. Bourgeois, Isabelle’s father, appreciates France and Isabelle as well as the sons-in-law for the visit and all they have done. They all depart to their houses.

By the time Lucas and Isabelle arrive back home, the brothers and sisters are there already. They greet them and wish them a merry Christmas before settling down to eat.

They all enjoy the meal and Elizabeth asks them to go to the parlor near the Christmas tree after the meal. John gives out the gifts to them. Isabelle carries Mary’s new baby, George, as they are opening their gifts.

Joe, Mary’s drunk husband, asks Isabelle scornfully when she is going to have her own baby. Isabelle feels embarrassed and Mary cautions her husband to stop it.

Lucas looks at Joe somehow and tells him to stop taking more drinks. He sits by Isabelle, takes baby George from her, and gives him to Mary.

He announces to the people there that they are having a baby this spring. He adds that they knew before they got married.

James and Debra congratulate them and shake Lucas’s hand. Elizabeth is highly surprised and shouts that she’s going to be a grandmother again.

John and Elizabeth stand and hug Lucas and Isabelle expressing their happiness. Mary also expresses her happiness by congratulating them.

Isabelle, who felt shy when Lucas wanted to announce the pregnancy is now happy with the way her husband handles it. She’s now relieved and proud. It is a very merry Christmas for all of them as everyone is happy for Lucas and Isabelle.

Before New Year’s Day, Isabelle also tells her family about the pregnancy and they are also excited. France is even happy that they will have their babies in just about a month’s interval.

The couple is now relieved that the pregnancy has been announced, so nothing is bothering their minds again. Isabelle stops work as Spring arrives, they are now counting weeks to the delivery.

Isabelle is gathering her baby materials in her room one day, when Elizabeth, her mother-in-law calls her.

She says she received a call from Mrs. LaSalle, France’s mother-in-law, who said that France was in labor and Jean would be taking her to the General Hospital soon.

Isabelle is excited and thanks Elizabeth for the good news. The latter then tells her that she can tell Lucas to take her to see France and also tell her parents about it.

Isabelle hurries to meet Lucas on the field and inform him. She sees him plowing in the field, she waves at him but doesn’t see her.

Out of the excitement, she starts running towards him forgetting her condition. She suddenly stumbles over a rock and falls to the ground. 

She immediately loses her breath and tries to pick herself up, but she is too weak. She lies there holding her stomach with tears in her eyes.

Lassie, Lucas’s dog, just appears from nowhere, licks Isabelle’s face and barks loudly to alert Lucas.

The dog continues barking but Lucas doesn’t hear. It runs towards the field until it catches Lucas’s attention.

Lucas then follows the dog and he’s surprised to see Isabelle on the ground. His heart starts beating and he asks her what happens and why she is there.

Isabelle replies that she’s okay and is coming to tell him that France is having her baby. She then explains how she fell because of excitement.

Lucas calms her down not to worry that he will carry her home. Despite Isabelle’s insistence that she can walk, Lucas carries her in his arms into the house.

Elizabeth is worried when she sees them and she asks Lucas what happened to Isabelle. He explains what happened and how Lassie came to alert him.

He lays Isabelle on the bed and Elizabeth asks her if she’s okay. She replies that she’s fine and that she was scared of the baby, but she’s feeling the movement of the baby now. 

She tells Lucas that she would like to break the news of her sister to her parents and then visit France at the hospital.

Lucas tells her to take a short sleep for him to freshen up, they will then go later. Lucas expresses how worried he was when she found her on the ground. Isabelle then apologizes for that.

Isabelle stands up half an hour later to go to the washroom, she notices that the bed is wet. It takes a minute before she understands that the amniotic fluid is broken.

She feels pain in her lower abdomen and before she knows it, she is in labor. She just sits back and calls Lucas. Lucas rushes into the room and asks her if she’s in labor when he sees her countenance.

She explained that her water broke and she started to get contractions. She says that contractions and labor are about ten minutes apart. She tells Lucas that she has three weeks more to deliver.

Lucas calms her down that all will be well. Though he is apprehensive, but he must not show it to Isabelle. Elizabeth comes in to comfort her daughter-in-law while Lucas gets his car ready.

Isabelle asks her mother-in-law if they can tell her parents what happened. Lucas’s mother replies as she helps her get up that they will do that. She also helps her to get her suitcase ready for Lucas to take to the hospital.

Lucas parks his car very close to the house and rushes in to help Isabelle into the vehicle. Lucas’s mother wishes them the best as they leave. She promises to inform Isabelle’s parents that their daughters are in the hospital giving birth.

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