When We Were Birds by Ayanna Lloyd Bamwo- Plot Summary

“When We Were Birds” Plot summary

Ayanna Lloyd Bamwo’s novel “When We Were Birds” depicts the journey of a young girl named Adunni as she navigates life, love, and loss.

Adunni begins the story as a young girl growing up in a rural hamlet in Nigeria, where she wishes to fly like a bird.

Her farmer father wishes for her to marry a wealthy man who can provide for the family, but Adunni desires an education and aspires to be a teacher.

After Adunni’s father dies, she is forced to drop out of school and marry a much older man who abuses her. She flees her husband and ends up in Lagos, where she works as a maid for an affluent family.

Adunni befriends Kemi, the family’s daughter, who teaches her English and encourages her to follow her aspirations.

Adunni faces numerous hurdles as she attempts to rebuild her life in Lagos. She falls in love with a young man named Akin, but their connection is problematic because Akin is from a different tribe and his family is against their relationship.

Despite these challenges, Adunni persists and eventually receives a scholarship to a university in the United States. She leaves Akin and her new friends behind, but she is determined to follow her aspirations and become a teacher.

Adunni returns to Nigeria years later, having accomplished her aspirations and becoming a successful teacher. She reflects on her journey and the people that assisted her, particularly Kemi and Akin, as well as her own inner strength and tenacity.

Themes of “When We Were Birds”

Ayanna Lloyd Bamwo’s “When We Were Birds” contains the following themes:

Resilience: Throughout the narrative, Adunni experiences numerous hurdles and barriers, but she is determined to overcome them and achieve her aspirations. She exhibits incredible tenacity in the face of tragedy, and her narrative exemplifies the human capacity for endurance and perseverance.

Education is a major element in the novel, as Adunni’s desire to learn and become a teacher propels her throughout the plot. The story delves into the power of education to improve lives and create opportunities, as well as the barriers that can stand in the way of individuals gaining access to it.

Love is a key element in the work, as Adunni goes through the ups and downs of romantic relationships. The story delves into the intricacies of love, including the challenges that might occur as a result of cultural, class, and social status differences.

Adunni’s journey is also one of self-discovery, as she wrestles with issues of identity and belonging. She must reconcile her traditional background with her yearning for a more modern, autonomous life.

Empowerment: Eventually, the narrative is about Adunni overcoming her hurdles and taking control of her own destiny. Her story is an encouraging illustration of how people can overcome difficulties to attain their goals.

Characters in “When We Were Birds”

Ayanna Lloyd Bamwo’s “When We Were Birds” offers a cast of interesting characters. Some of the novel’s main characters are:

Adunni: The novel’s protagonist, Adunni, is a young Nigerian woman who aspires to be a teacher. During the story, she confronts several challenges, but she is determined to overcome them and achieve her goals.

Kemi: Kemi is a wealthy Nigerian girl who befriends Adunni when she works as a housemaid for Kemi’s family. Adunni is taught English by Kemi, who pushes her to achieve her aspirations.

Akin: Akin, a young man from another tribe, falls in love with Adunni. Their love is hampered by their families’ opposition to their union.

Adunni’s Father: Adunni’s father is a farmer who wishes for her to marry a wealthy guy so that the family will be financially stable. His death marks a significant turning point in the story.

Tolu: Adunni’s spouse, Tolu, is a significantly older man who is harsh to her. Adunni flees him and embarks on her road to independence.

Mrs. Gbadamosi: Mrs. Gbadamosi is an affluent woman who employs Adunni as a housemaid in Lagos. Mrs. Gbadamosi is first cold and aloof to Adunni but later becomes sympathetic to her plight.

Uncle Haruna: Uncle Haruna is a family friend that assists Adunni in escaping from Tolu. He is a supporting and compassionate character in Adunni’s life.

Professor Johnson: Professor Johnson, a friendly and helpful teacher, assists Adunni in obtaining a scholarship to attend university in the United States.

Each of these personalities is crucial to Adunni’s trip, molding her experiences and assisting her along the way.

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