Path of Lucas by Susanne Bellefeuille- Chapter Nineteen

Lucas’s parents are preparing to go back to the farm a few days later. While Lucas helps his father arrange the luggage in the truck, the latter asks him about their discussions on going back to the farm.

Lucas replies that he is giving it a serious thought and has not discussed it with Isabelle. His father reminds him again of the necessity of going back to the farm to solve his problem.

Lucas reveals to his father that it requires a lot of sacrifice and says family is more important than anything else in the world. 

He expresses his fears that Isabelle will be disappointed when he tells her. He hugs his father and tells him to give him some days to get back to him on the issue.

While promising his father a firm answer on the matter, he reminds him to tell his Mom about his health and finances. John promises to tell Elizabeth when they get home.

John and Elizabeth are set to go. They hug and kiss the children and say goodbye to the family. Lucas, Isabelle and the children wave at John and Elizabeth as they drive off.

Isabelle is in the bedroom that same night brushing her hair as usual. Lucas sits on the bed staring at her. Isabelle notices this from the mirror and says that Lucas is in deep thought. She comes to his side, kisses him and says she’s keeping something from her. 

She adds that she thinks Lucas had a serious discussion with his father which is troubling him. She begs him to tell him what the problem is.

Lucas tells her that his father is in trouble and needs his help. He says his health is deteriorating hence, he couldn’t work on the farm and it’s affecting his income.

Lucas replies to Isabelle’s questions on James that the latter is selling the other farmhouse. 

He is moving to the city with Debra to give Donna and Scott better care for their disabilities. James also plans to work elsewhere as he has gotten a job trucking logs. Isabelle wonders how her rich father-in-law finds himself in such a condition.

Lucas explains further that his father is responsible for Mary’s bills as Joe her husband is not working but drinks all about. 

He has even sold the land he bought from Mr. Thomas. He says he will speak with Mary and Joe on the issue that his father cannot continue to be responsible for them.

Isabelle asks him about his mother and he replies that she is not aware of the development. That his father is scared to tell her about it.

Isabelle is remorseful to hear that about Lucas’s parents. He then tells her that the situation is more than that. After a bit of pressure from Isabelle, Lucas informs her that his father wants them to move back to the farm.

Isabelle could not believe her ears on the development. Tears roll down her cheeks as she thinks of her father-in-law’s situation and the effects on her family. Isabelle expresses her feelings and tells Lucas that they can’t move back to the farm.

Lucas is at a crossroads here, he tells Isabelle that he is torn between his family and his father’s needs. He says he puts caring for his family above every other thing. At the same time, he couldn’t abandon his father in the desperate situation.

Lucas and Isabelle engage in a strong argument on the matter. Isabelle reminds her of the need to complete his Mechanic certification before they move. 

Lucas responds that his father needs him now because his account is running dry and cannot feed his livestock.

He explains further that his father wants him to engage in tree cutting and hauling of logs for extra money. 

Isabelle then tells him that she will respect his choice and will not make her feel guilty. Lucas thanks her for understanding the situation and says the only solution is to move back to the farm.

Isabelle frowns at Lucas’s decisions and asks him if he is ready to forgo his mechanic license for farming with his father.

Lucas replies that it is a hard decision for him to save his father. He tries to convince Isabelle that it will allow them to look after their parents.

Isabelle eventually agrees with Lucas but says she doesn’t want him to regret it someday. She then embraces Lucas and sheds tears.

Lucas says he will call his father the following morning to tell him that they are moving back to the farm soon. Isabelle promises him that she will go anywhere so far they are together with their beautiful children. He can make her overcome any troubles.

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